Dishing It Out

M.G. Siegler


Dish, noun (informal): information which is not generally known or available.

Dish, verb: dispense something in a casual or indiscriminate way.

Dish, verb (informal): subject others to criticism or punishment.

Are you getting it? These are not three separate definitions. These are three ways to describe the point of one newsletter. Yes, another newsletter.

Honestly, I’m just trying out Medium’s new newsletter functionality (which looks a lot like their old “Letters” functionality (which I first tried out almost exactly five years ago — wow, I’ve actually been writing this quite a while). Which looks nice, but has never felt fully baked. Here’s hoping this is their attempt to put it in the oven a bit more. To, you know, eventually dish.

I was thinking about what to do here, and I stumbled upon a name based off the fact that the Roman numeral for 500 is, of course, ‘D’. Hopefully I don’t have to explain this further.

Anyway, no plans to stop my other newsletter, 5ish, which has a more concrete purpose — well, sort of — of sharing 5 or so links. But I have been trying to come up with a way to write more informally and casually. So perhaps the best way to do that is to send this on a somewhat regular cadence to — checks subscriber number — 10,000 or so of you. Gulp.

Feel free to unsubscribe :) My feelings will certainly not be hurt, but then they will also not be shared!



Writer turned investor turned investor who writes. General Partner at GV. I blog to think.